T/A 418/16/40
2 May 1568
Indictment of Alice Swallow (as above) at little Baddow, bewitched Elizabeth daughter of William Goores yeoman so that she died. Pleads not guilty; guilty. [ASS 35/12/4/40]
T/A 418/16/42
20 June 1568
Indictment of Alice Swallow, bewitched John Daggnell of little Baddow husbandman, so that his life wasdespaired of. pleads not guilty. [ASS 35/12/4/42]
T/A 418/16/39
1 April 1569
Indictment of Alice Swallow of Little Baddow spinster, a common witch there bewitched Alice, the wife of William Basticke, so that she languished from that day until 1 May when she died. Pleads not guilty; guilty. [ASS 35/12/4/39]
T/A 418/16/41
27 February 1570
Indictment of Alice Swallow (as above) bewitched four horses worth 20 marks, belonging to John Francke there, so that they ded. pleads not guilty; guilty. [ASS 35/12/4/41]