1 March 1578 [Indictment] The jurors present that Margaret Ganne alias Welles and Joan Norfolk of Berley, spinsters, are likewise witches and enchatresses, and that they bewitched John Furmyn at Borley aforesaid on the above date, so that he languished vehemently until 1 May then next following when he died; and so the jurors say that the said Margaret and Joan killed and murdered the said John by witcheraft, contrary to the peace, etc.
2 April 1579 T/A 418/31/51 INQUISITION taken at Braintree 2 April 20 [sic] Eliz, before Robert Lord Ryche, Tho.Myldmaye and others The jurors say that Margaret Gannd alias Welles and Joan Norfolk both of Borley spinsters, 1 march 20 Elizabeth there bewitched John Furmyn where of he died 1 May following. Both plead not guilty. [ASS 35/21/4/51]
6 September 1579 [Indictments] Henry Kent the elder and Henry Kent the younger of Foxearth, yeomen, for an assault and battery on Margaret, wife of Roger Ganne alias Wells, and Richard Salmon, servant to the said Roger, at the same.