20 August 1578
The jurors present that Margery Stanton of Wimbish,
spinster, being a common enchantress and witch as well
of men as of beasts and other things, and excrcising art of
witcheraft and enhancement, not having God before her
eyes but led by diabolical istigation, on the above date,
of her malice aforethought, cunningly bewitched and enchanted
a white gelding worth £3 and a cow worth 40s. at Wimbish aforesaid,
by reason of which enchantment and witchcraft the said gelding
and cow languished from the above date untill 24 August
then next following when they died, and so the jurors say
that said Margery killed the said gelding and cow,
contrary to the peace etc.
2 October 1578
INQUISITION taken at Braintree 2 October before Robert Lord Ryche,
Thomas Myldmaye, Thomas Lucas, John Pertre, knts., FRs. harveye,
oGeo. Nycalls, Thomas Gentt and Walr. Mildmay, esqs.
The jurors say that Margery stanton of Wimbish spinster,
o20 August there bewitched a white gelding worth 3 and a cow worth
40s. of which they died 24 August following .
Indictment is insufficient. [ASS 35/21/4/41]