August 1579
Indictment of Elizabeth Hardinge of barking 1 Nov.20 Elizabeth
there bewitche twelve "pullos vocatos coltes"
judgement according to the form of the Statute. [ASS 35/21/7/7]
August 1579
Indictment of Elizabeth Hardinge of Barking 1 Aug.20 Eliz,
there bewitched Ellen, wife of John Goode to her great injury.
Pleads not guilty;
judgement according to the form of the Statue. [ASS 35/21/8]
March 1580
Indictmen of Elizabeth Hardinge of Barking spinster,
3 February 21 Elizabeth there bewitched cecily,
daughter of William Miles aged 3 years whereof
she died on 20 March following.
Pleads not guilty;
in prison at Colchester; tried 22 July. (Ass 35/22/H/55)