Q/SR 110/75-79
Dates of Creation 1580-1589
Indictment of Alice Aylett of Braintree,
spinster, [wife of Thomas Aylett of the same, shoemaker],
charged with being a witch and enchantress
as well of men as of animals and other things,
for enhanting Margery Egles, daughter of Thomas Egles,
at Braintree on 10 August, 31 Elizabeth [A.D.1589],
so that she gravely languished until 1 November then next following;
and for enhanting Rachel Skynner, daughter of William Skynner,
at the same on 1 August [1589],
so that she gravely languished until 10 November then next following;
and for enhanting Henry Joye at the same on 5 November [1589],
so that he gravely languished until 1 December then next following;
and for enhanting Susan Parman, being about the age of six years,
at the same on 6 March, 22 Elixabeth [1579-80],
so that she languished until 26 April, 25 Elizabeth [1583],
so that he languished until 1 August, 28 Elizabeth [A.D.1586],
when he died; and the jurors say that the said Alice by her charms
and enhantments and of her malice aforethought slew and murdered
the said Susan and Simon.
[on dorse of Q/SR 110/78]
Indictments of felony taken at Christmas Sessions, anno 32
[1589-90 for which see Q/SR 111] and certified to the next Assizes