T/A 418/51/27
Indictment of Joan Cony of Stisted spinster,
20 April 30 Eliz., there bewitched Joan Danishe,
whereby she was afflicted in her right leg.
Pleads not guilty;
guilty. [ASS 35/31/2/27]
T/A 418/51/30
Indictment of Joan Cony of Stisted 10 February 31 Eliz.,
there bewitched Elizabeth wife of Henry Fynch, whereby she died,
17 February
Pleads not guilty;
guilty. [ASS 35/31/2/30]
T/A 418/51/29
Indictment of Joan Cony of Stisted 1 June 25 Eliz.,
there practised "witchcraftes charmes and sorceryes"
on Elizabeth Sparowe, whereby her whole body was affected.
Pleads not guilty;
guilty. [ASS 35/31/2/29]
T/A 418/51/28
Indictment of Joan Cony of Stisted 3 February 31 Eliz.,
there bewitched Barnard Gryfeyn, whereby he languished.
Pleads not guilty;
guilty. [ASS 35/31/2/28]