152. Taken at Colchester on 6 April 34 Eliz.,
before Thomas Hasellwood coroner, on view of the body of Joan Grine,
a prisoner in Colchester Castle, on suspician of Witchcraft.
The jurors say that on 2 April she had a fever till 5 April,
on which day she died. Witnesses: Thomas Lawrence and Ralph Northey,
bailiffs of Colchester. By divine visitation.
153. Taken at Colchester on 9 June 34 Eliz.,
before Robert Mott coroner, on view of the body of Aganes Hales,
a prisoner, on suspicion of witchcraft.
She was sick of a fever from 6 to 19 June, when she died.
As above .
154. Taken at Colchester on 14 April 34 Eliz.,
on view of the body of Julianna Cock, a prisoner,
on suspicion of withcroft.
She was sick of a fever from 20 March
till 13 April, on which day she died. As above.